Saturday, July 22, 2006


i had to do a discussion thing about abortion in my English class and it's something i feel quite strongly about.

Firstly Abortion is basically murder. The heartbeat is used to define death. If this was to be applied to defining life, a baby would be alive at about 18 days into the pregnancy. By which time the heart is already formed and beating and there is blood running through it's veins and arteries. Many women wouldn't even know they were pregnant and hardly any abortions are carried out at this time. Meaning most abortions ARE killing an innocent child, who has done nothing wrong and not even had the chance to live. A fetus's DNA and that of a fully grown human is indistinguishable showing that a baby is a person.

Babies/fetuses can feel pain. Poking a fully grown adult with a pin and a baby in the womb causes the same reaction. Pain is also shown my the increase in fetal movement and the speed of it's heartbeat. Having an abortion not only can cause major psychological damage to the mother but is also very painful to the baby.

Abortions are legal up until the end of the 24th week in pregnancy(6 months) but a baby who is born at 23 weeks can survive to live a happy life. i don't know how someone can be willing to kill their own child at this time when there is the option of putting them up for adoption. They'd have to live with the guilt for the rest of their lives. Not only killing but depriving a couple who would give up so much to have that oppourtunity to raise and nuture a child.

There is also physical risks for women of having abortions including a perforated uterus/bowel/bladder, septic shock, infertility and death. At this point i think i should state that if there is an extreme circumstances, like go ahead with the pregnancy would cause serious medical harm to mother/child or rape etc, i do sometimes agree with abortion but these cases account for less than 1% of abortions.

Having an abortion means you are depriving a vunerable and defenceless person from having a happy enjoyable life. People should take responsibilty for their actions. If you get pregnant when you're not ready you should do what's best for your child after all it's not their fault, IT'S YOURS.


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